Garden Rules and Regulations
For the garden and our community to flourish, it is essential that we all follow these rules and regulations. Thank you for your cooperation.
For All Visitors
Please stay on paths, and do not run. (This is to avoid damage to garden plants, as well as injury. Children can skip if they prefer.)
Children under the age of eighteen may not be in the garden without being accompanied by a parent or caretaker in the garden.
Parent/caretakers must ensure that children understand and follow all rules and regulations.
Pets are allowed in the front common area only and must be on a leash. Absolutely no dogs are to go beyond the front common area, even when on a leash. You must clean up after your dog.
Chop up and cover any organic waste you place on the compost pile. Read the signs at the composing site for complete instructions.
Manure, mulch and compost are available for everyone to share. Please take a moderate amount so we all may benefit.
For Members
Flowers, herbs and vegetables from the individual, group vegetable, and community plots may only be picked if the primary gardener/caretaker(s) gives you permission. You must ask each time you want to pick, unless otherwise agreed. If you cannot contact the gardener/caretaker, you may not pick from their garden. Leave any flowers or vegetables you have to share on the front table.
Always make sure that fruit is ripe before picking (if in doubt, contact the Fruit Coordinator). Please do not pick too much fruit; leave plenty for others. Let’s all share the fruit of our labors.
Water use is to be strictly regulated. Water is to be used from barrels as much as possible. If barrels are empty, they need to be filled from the hoses.
Tools and supplies are available for all gardeners. Please be sure that you and any children you are supervising clean and return tools to the proper storage area when finished working. Tools and supplies may not be removed from the property.
If other groups are interested in using the garden (school groups, community groups, block associations) they must contact a member of the Steering Committee for approval of date and activity.
Garden members are welcome to have informal gatherings and picnics with friends and family in the garden. No private parties are allowed—the garden must remain open during any event. You are responsible for the immediate clean up of any garbage and decorations. For gatherings of 6 or more people, please contact a member of the Steering Committee for scheduling purposes.
Anyone who sets up holiday decorations is responsible for removing them no later than 2 weeks after the holiday.
When leaving the garden, check to see if you are the last person inside. If so, please securely lock all gates and sheds.
Only members may have keys, and no copies shall be made by anyone outside the Steering Committee. If you need additional keys or lose your key, a Steering Committee member will make a copy for you. A small deposit is required for each key.
Each garden member (household) will be entitled to one vote on all garden matters.​​
Note: This applies to both adults and children.
All members are responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations. If you see any individual breaking a rule, you should speak to them and/or notify the Steering Committee.
The garden association reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member who repeatedly fails to comply with these rules and regulations.
Members will receive a verbal warning upon their first offense. A written warning will be issued after the second offense. If there is a third offense, the member will be asked to return his or her key to the garden and give up their membership.
This is a community garden—please respect our neighbors and the neighborhood. Let’s work with each other to assure the continued growth of the garden, the community and ourselves.