Publicity Coordinators
Write conventional press releases about our major events.Post updates to Facebook and/or Twitter
(but Website and Instagram are managed by Tech Team)
Work cooperatively with the Garden coordinators for Major Events
Spring and Fall Festival and Plant Sale
Community Outreach
Movie Night
Haunted Walk
Coordinate with Tech team to publicize 6/15 Green’s events (Tech Team needs 2 weeks notice)
Place announcements in as many local event listings as possible and, if possible, getting local reporters to write a small article about the garden and event(s).
Prior experience and a list of media contacts are extremely helpful.
Build, develop, and maintain up-to-date media contacts, including print media, online media, radio/tv/local access cable, social media, community members who have expressed an interest in our events (neighbors, local community organizations, community boards, BIDs, local politicians, etc.)
Write concise press releases
Meet submission deadlines for listings with media contacts - at least 2-3 weeks before event, longer for optimal results