Compost Coordinator
Compost is found at Location 8 on Map
Make sure the right information appears on the website's Composting page.
There must be a Liason with Park Slope Food Coop, and this role can be filled by someone on the Composting Team or by the Compost Coordinator.
At the Start of Season, the Compost Coordinator assesses condition of compost bin and, if needed, plans a Group Project Day activity to repair or rebuild them.
Throughout the Season, the Compost Coordinator solicits sawdust, leaves and other "browns" from businesses and individuals in the South Slope and nearby communities.
Arrange to have such "browns" picked up and distributed on Group Project Day.
The Compost Stewards (who need to be trained) turn the compost between the three bins, add browns when needed and regularly check on the condition of the compost bins.